On December 10, 2014 at the National Veterans Small Business Engagement, I presented on teaming opportunities and strategies for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (“VOSBs”) and Service -Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (“SDVOSBs”). This presentation covered the different types of teaming arrangements between VOSBS/SDVOSB, the steps for setting up these relationships, and practical tips. Access the presentation here.
In October of 2013, had the pleasure of conducting a webinar for the National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NaVOBA), which was effectively a crash course on the ins and outs of applying for VetBiz verification with the VA’s Center for Verification and Evaluation. The presentation can be accessed here. Also, my VetBiz Guidebook on the process, which covers common denial reasons, special issues, and everything from general information to cancellation and reverification, can be accessed here. Updated as of December 8, 2014!