VOSB Services
If you are the owner of a veteran-owned small business (VSOB) or service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB), you may already be taking advantage of federal government contracting opportunities. You may be eligible for set-aside contracts, sole source contracts, and have the opportunity to participate in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) mentor/protégé program. You are also an attractive candidate to prime contractors for teaming on solicitations because of subcontracting plan requirements.
My experience with assisting SDVOSBs and VOSBs in the federal government contracts arena can help you both maximize your opportunities and protect the rights of your status. The following constitutes a non-exhaustive list of services:
- Negotiating and drafting subcontract documents entered into with prime contractors
- Agency-level bid protests
- SBA-level bid protests (as protestor or awardee)
- General legal counsel and advice
To inquire about my services for VOSBs or to be added to the newsletter distribution list, please reach out via email to [email protected] or via telephone at (703) 552-3220.